Vieneth Archery

Vieneth Archery

Portfolio Description

Vieneth Sport was founded in 2009 to develop the sport of archery in Indonesia. Vieneth Sport was founded by Coach Andri, he has a variety of achievements, both as athlete and coach.

Coach Andri is also the only coach in Indonesia who have reached the highest level coaching certificate from Kim Hyung Tak Archery School – South Korea (one of the best archery schools in the world).

Vieneth Sport is the only most complete one archery shop in Indonesia. That sells various types of archery: traditional archery, recurve, and compound. Included with the equipment and accessories.

Not only selling, Vieneth Sport also distribute it to all corners of the region in Indonesia.

Brands that we import and resale, mostly from the United States, such as HOYT, EASTON, MATHEW, PRIME, MISSION, etc. Also coming from South Korea: CARTEL, WIN&WIN, KAP, SF ARCHERY, FIVIC, KAYA, INFITEC, etc.

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    Vieneth Archery



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